mw: 600
# Think tree
## A free and \\ open-source tool
* [Sources code](https://github.com/lotusk08/think)
* _Author_: [Steve Hoang](https://stevehoang.com)
* Built from the \\ [markmap](https://markmap.js.org/) software
## For creating \\ mind maps
- Click on in the top left to **edit**
your mind map (_keyboard shortcut: `e`_)
Markdown is used to create branches
- Heading
- `# Title` for level 1
- `## Subtitle` for level 2
- `### Level 3`, `#### Level 4` …
- Or use a bulleted list
- \\ `- Level 3` \\  ` - Level 4` - add 2 spaces before to move to another level \\ `- Level 3`
- Click on to **hide** the editing window \ and view only the mind map \\ (_keyboard shortcut: `Escape`)
- **Save** and \\ share your \\ mind map
- Click on to **save** the map as an _svg_ file \\ [static image] (_keyboard shortcut: `s`)
- Click on to **save** as an HTML file \\ [with interactivity] (_keyboard shortcut: `h`)
- Click on to copy a **sharing link** \\ for the mind map (_keyboard shortcut: `l`)
- Add `?m=0` to the URL to hide the menu
- You can store your text \\ on **Obsidian** or on [Stackedit](https://stackedit.io) \\ and display it with Think tree
- It's recommended to save the text \\ of your mind map somewhere so \\ you can edit it later
- \\ `https://think.stevehoang.com/#URL`
- In case of issues: \\ `https://think.stevehoang.com/#https://corsproxy.io/%3FURL`
- On a Gitlab instance, use a `.gitlab-ci.yml` file to publish the md file on a public page and use that address as the URL
- Click on to **reset** the contents.
- All data from the current season will be **deleted**!
## How to navigate the map?
- \\ Click on the **circles** at the intersection \\ of branches to show or hide the rest
- \\ **Command+click** on a circle to display \\ only that specific branch
- **Other shortcuts**
- **Command+click** on branch text to hide it
- `m` to hide or show the menu bar
- `r` to disable or enable automatic resizing
- `Mobile` \\ Double-taps every where in mindmap \\ to enable automatic resizing
- `t` to switch theme between light mode/dark mode
## More advanced uses
### Tags to \\ **control the display** \\ of the map
#### **Markdown**
- `**text**`: to make text **bold**
- `_text_`: to make text _italic_
- `[link](URL)`: to insert a [link](https://stevehoang.com)
- ``: to insert an image
- ``: to specify \\ the image height (in pixels)
- ``` `code` ```: To insert `code`
- `==text==`: To highlight ==text==
- `++text++`: To underline ++text++
#### **HTML**
- `
` or `\\` to force a line break
- `text` \\ to change the style of an element
#### **Other \\ tags**
- `` at the end of a line to hide \\ sub-branches by default: \\ click the circle to show the rest
- This branch is hidden by default!
- This one too!
- `:code_emoji:`: to insert an emoji code [:heart:](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/omnidan/node-emoji/master/lib/emoji.json)
- `{{hidden part}}` to hide part \\ of the text: here's an example with a {{passage}} hidden \\ (click to show/hide)
### A **header** (YAML) \\ for advanced \\ configuration options
- To specify the maximum \\ width of a branch
- ```maxWidth: 300``` - precedence
- ```mw: 300```
- To prevent color changes \\for sub-branches beyond \\a certain level
- ```colorFreezeLevel: 2``` \\ (so each branch \\has its own color)
- To add specific \\CSS styles
- ```style: strong{color:red}```
- To apply a \\ specific theme
- ```theme: focus```
- Available themes: \\ `focus`, `nolines`, and `black`
- To use straight lines \\ instead of curves
- ```curves: false```
- To add a title
- ```title: My title```
- To hide sub-branches \\by default beyond \\ a certain level
- ```initialExpandLevel: 1```
- To force links to open \\in a new tab
- ```openLinksInNewTab: true```
- To enable automatic link \\opening and disable the \\confirmation message when leaving
- ```disableWarningMessage: true```
- To control interactivity
- ```automaticResize: false``` \\to disable \\automatic resizing
- ```focusOnBranch: true``` \\to focus on the clicked branch \\and auto-close others
- ```showMenu: false``` \\to hide the menu